Tom and Jerry - The Open League Application

Token Name Tom (Jerry)

Project’s Twitter

Link to the token’s page on re:doubt and/or DYOR Tom (Jerry) Token Price -

Link to the token’s page on Coinmarketcap (if your token is not listed there, write n/a) n/a

Link to the token’s page on Coingecko (if your token is not listed there, write n/a)

Jerry 0,0₈4604 $ - цена Tom на бирже DeDust с комиссией 0.4% | GeckoTerminal

Your name Alexandr

Your Telegram handle (@…) @playzzz

Any other links or details that you want to share

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League.


Contract address: EQDqqaYOf3I4T8rUquk2C3MTXCzTIpkH6lbBBCyItNC5JjNJ
Tom & Jerry is a digital token compatible with the TON token standard. Tom & Jerry has no functions, no utility and no intrinsic value, no promise or expectation of any financial return, profit, interest or dividend.
There is no roadmap and there is no promise or expectation that any ecosystem will even be developed for Tom & Jerry.
Tom & Jerry is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.
Tom & Jerry is a meme token. Tom & Jerry aims to become the representative meme token of the
TON ecosystem. It’s just a fun token. 1% of Jerry tokens in amount - 4 206 900 000 000 added to
liquidity pool on Dedust, other 99% in amount 416 483 100 000 000 will be distributed during the
POS mining to liquidity providers on Dedust , distribution will lasts for 4 years. Dedust Pair — AMM DEX on The Open Network Pool; — AMM DEX on The Open Network

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @memTomandJerry

Hello Tom and Jerry team,

Thank you for taking the time to apply for The Open League Season #1.

After a thorough review, we must inform you that, unfortunately, your token does not meet our current eligibility criteria. You can find them through this link.

Once your token aligns with these criteria, please feel free to resubmit your application for the future seasons.

We look forward to seeing your application again in the future.

Thank you.