Project’s Name:
TapTip -
Project’s Website:
https://www.taptip.fun/ -
Project’s Twitter:
x.com -
Project’s Telegram channel/group
Telegram: Contact @TapTipfun -
Project’s Metrics
Total users 600,000
Channel Users more 223,000
New users this month 327,000
New users this week 327,000
Total referrals 8,768
Users earned 823,009,611 coins -
Attach the link to a Google Doc that describes your current traction, including
UAW (unique active wallets) for the last month
None. -
2024.6 MAU :600,000
2024.6 DAU:150,000 -
N of tx for the last month
None. (Token not launched) -
Retention D1, D7, D14.
Retention D1: 55.65%
Retention D7: 46.10%
Retention D14: 40.02%
Please include the proofs of this traction.
Your name
Abby -
Your Telegram handle
@abby_li99 -
Any other links or details that you want to share
TapTip Bot:Telegram: Contact @TapTipFun_bot
TapTip - Mini game app on telegram where you earn coins by tapping the screen.Tap is power, Tip is asset. Launch to the moon with #TapTip.Here you can:
1.Tap anytime, anywhere.
2. Completing daily and social tasks.
3. Referral friends for tapping fun.
4. Billionaire Building Plan.
5. Launch to the Mars with us.
By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League