About the App Battle category

App Battle

App Battle includes Decentralised Applications (DApps) built on TON.

As a general rule, the participants of the previous seasons are whitelisted to join the next seasons. Other projects that are not yet part of the App Battle can apply to join.

To apply, you need to create a new topic in this category.

Applications for the current season close 7 days before the end of the season. The projects that did not apply to join before that date are welcome to make a submission for the next season.

The date of the snapshot is the same for all contestants regardless of the date of their inclusion into the leaderboard.

To be eligible, projects need to demonstrate a similar level of performance (based on such metrics as UAW and TX number) as the projects that rank last in the current App Battle.

Upon submitting the application form, teams need to provide proofs of the declared traction. If the presented metrics turn out fake afterwards, the project will be permanently disqualified from TOL. The more metrics are provided, the better.

Upon the successful submission, the teams should wait for The Open League Committee to process their applications and get back with the decision.