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Project’s Metrics
- UAW (unique active wallets) for the last month
95 on chain users, 3631 wallets linked to accounts. - MAU and DAU
12025 MAU
960 DAU - N of tx for the last month
310 onchain key trades + group activations
Please include the proofs of this traction.
CORE ADDRESS for on-chain key trading and group creation:
TON Scan: TON address and transaction explorer
MAU and DAU are based on users who have interacted with the mini-app.
Your name
Your Telegram handle
Any other links or details that you want to share
TonsOfFriends revolutionizes the way Telegram users discover groups and community owners expand their reach. Born from the challenge of finding quality Telegram groups amid privacy measures and a sea of options, ToF emerges as a beacon for both users seeking meaningful connections and administrators aiming to nurture vibrant communities.
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