TonPlanets MARS - the first economic P2E and M2E game on the TON blockchain with own ecosystem

Token Name

$MARS is the token of the TONPlanets Ecosystem.
Fully integrated in the gaming process as one of the payment methods.

All liquidity of the $MARS token has been locked until 2030

Please describe your project and token utility

TONPlanets Mars - A browser-based economic simulator with an open world, incorporating several core gaming mechanics M2E , P2E , was launched in 2022. It represents an entire world with its alternative history, characters, storyline, and unique economic model, complemented by an in-game exchange where resource prices are determined based on supply and demand…

We are creating a game where you can learn spot trading in a safe environment. The genre of an economic simulator implies trading practice, which in a gaming format helps to acquire the basic concepts and principles of trading. The game teaches how to calculate the profitability of a business, taking into account depreciation of assets and production costs. Ultimately, thanks to the Martian environment, someone will be able to overcome their fears or insecurities and eventually become a successful trader.

$MARS Token:
Payment Instrument in the Game Panel:

The token is an integral part of the game mechanics, serving as one of the payment instruments in the game panel.

Trading on DEX and In-Game Exchange:

The token is actively traded not only on the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) but also on the in-game exchange. This opens opportunities for players to participate in trading and strengthen their position in the game.

Reward for Land Staking:

The token also serves as a reward for land staking, incentivizing players to participate in this process and maintain the stability of the game ecosystem.

Usage in DAO Voting:

Additionally, the token is utilized in DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) voting processes, enabling players to have a say in the decision-making and governance of the game’s ecosystem.

Please describe your project roadmap for the next 6-12 months

The gaming potential has only been unleashed by 10% so far. We have a multitude of new production facilities with their unique resource chains ahead of us. In the near future, both produced and rare mineral resources, which are not yet utilized in the game, will be incorporated into the gameplay.

The Martian DEX screener, recognized by many TON blockchain users, continues to evolve. New features and opportunities are on the horizon, expanding its functionality.

Project’s Twitter

Project’s Telegram

Link to the token’s page on re:doubt and/or DYOR

Link to the token’s page on Coinmarketcap (if your token is not listed there, write n/a)


Link to the token’s page on Coingecko (if your token is not listed there, write n/a)


Link to the token’s page on Geckoterminal(if your token is not listed there, write n/a)

Your name


Your Telegram handle (@…)


Any other links or details that you want to share

NFT used in the gaming process:
Mars Lands - Lands :gem: Planets
Marsoids - Marsoids :gem: Planets
Buildings on Mars - Buildings :gem: Planets
Licences on Mars - Licences :gem: Planets
and others…

Main site - Graphs of the Economic Game | Mars TONPlanets Economic game simulator on the TON blockchain
Telegram - Telegram: Contact @TONPlanetsBot
Google Play app -

Statistic info

Lands Sales :heavy_dollar_sign: | Mars TONPlanets Economic game simulator on the TON blockchain

Items Sales :heavy_dollar_sign: | Mars TONPlanets Economic game simulator on the TON blockchain


Internal gaming Stock statistic
Graphs of the Economic Game | Mars TONPlanets Economic game simulator on the TON blockchain

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League.


With MARS, you will safely get to know the entire TON ecosystem.


:milky_way::milky_way:купить токен нашего питомца @btc25 :waning_crescent_moon:можно: :ringer_planet:на марсианском ДЕКСе:

  1. в кошельке Тонкипер

  2. прямо в вашем телеграм кошельке @wallet

  3. в кошельке майтонвалет

  4. на бирже STONfi

  5. на бирже Dedust

Посмотреть график: @BTC25/TON - цена @BTC25 MEMECOIN TonMiner на бирже | GeckoTerminal

@btc25 на марсианском ДЕКСе:



An intersting Game and Dex on telegram.
Hope Mars become stronger and higher


Go go Mars.
We are belong to you and @BTC25


Let’s pumpppppppppppppppp​:rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


We will support you Mars.
Really convenient Dex, good game


Go go go Mars. I love your project


I’m curios about the height of Mars when it pump.
Will it pump to the sun?


We must be able to take our beloved dog to meet his brothers on Mars goo to the mars


Это очень хороший проект, мы доверяем TonMiner


Mars ecosystem will be bigger & bigger.

1 Like

Interesting game and best DEX!

Good luck @btc25 to the mars

Tonplanets mars and btc25 to the moon

Hi! We texted you on April 30 at your contact handle @afirsin, but we haven’t received a response yet.