[TEP-115] TON Connect: Bridging the Gap Between Wallets and Applications in The Open Network

In the rapidly evolving landscape of The Open Network (TON), a unified communication protocol between TON wallets and decentralized applications (dApps) has emerged as a pivotal development. TON Connect, active and categorized under the core type, offers a comprehensive solution to this need, spearheaded by a diverse group of authors including @oleganza, @siandreev, subden, brainpicture, @sorokin0andrey, abogoslavskiy, @MariaBit, Olga May, Aleksei Mazelyuk, tonrostislav, KuznetsovNikita since its inception on October 20, 2022.


TON Connect is not just another protocol; it is a foundational pillar designed to enhance interoperability across the TON ecosystem. By facilitating seamless communication between wallets and dApps, it aims to standardize user experiences and foster an environment of innovation and security.

Motivation: The Need for Unity and User-Friendliness

The motivation behind TON Connect is straightforward yet profound. The Open Network aspires to a level of convenience and user-friendliness that is currently lacking due to the fragmentation of communication protocols. By enabling any TON app, regardless of its platform, to be operated by any wallet, TON Connect aims to simplify the user experience significantly. This uniformity is not only a boon for users but also simplifies development efforts for both wallet and dApp creators.

Guide to TON Connect

At its core, TON Connect acts as a bridge, narrowing the conceptual divide between wallets and dApps. Wallets, which secure users’ cryptographic keys and approve transactions, and dApps, which leverage smart contracts to offer limitless functionality, can now interact more efficiently. Through TON Connect, a range of operations including authorization, transaction processing, and smart contract interaction are streamlined, enhancing the ecosystem’s overall functionality and security.

Technical Specification and Rationale

The decision to use Server-Sent Events (SSE) over WebSockets, for instance, underscores a commitment to reliability and user privacy. With the aim of creating a unified method of communication, TON Connect addresses various challenges faced by other blockchain networks, such as the fragmentation seen in Ethereum’s wallet connectivity options. By providing a singular, standardized protocol, TON Connect simplifies the development landscape, making it more accessible for new entrants and reducing complexity for users.

Comparative Analysis

Feature TON Connect Other Protocols
Communication Method SSE (Server-Sent Events) WebSockets, Custom Protocols
Wallet-Dapp Interaction Unified Protocol Fragmented, Multiple Standards
User Privacy End-to-End Encryption Varies
Backend Requirement Optional, with Support for Public Bridges Often Required
Openness Open-Source, Free, Decentralized Varies, Some Centralized

Future Directions

Looking ahead, TON Connect is poised for further innovation. The roadmap includes the introduction of new RPC methods to expand functionality, ensuring that the protocol remains at the forefront of TON’s technological advancement. The commitment to an open, free, and decentralized standard underscores the philosophy of TON Connect, aiming to democratize access and foster a cohesive ecosystem.


TON Connect represents a significant milestone in the evolution of The Open Network. By offering a standardized, efficient, and secure protocol for wallet-dApp communication, it paves the way for a more integrated, user-friendly blockchain experience. As the protocol continues to evolve, its impact on the TON ecosystem promises to be profound, driving innovation and simplifying the user experience across the board.

The TEP-115 proposal for TON Connect introduces a holistic approach to standardizing the communication between wallets and decentralized applications (dApps) on The Open Network (TON). It aims to foster a seamless interaction framework that benefits users and developers by providing a consistent, familiar, and user-friendly experience across the TON ecosystem.

Professional Insight:

TON Connect represents a pivotal advancement in the TON ecosystem, addressing a crucial need for standardized wallet-dApp communication. By proposing a unified protocol, TON Connect seeks to eliminate fragmentation and complexity that can hinder adoption and user experience. The decision to leverage Server-Sent Events (SSE) over WebSockets for maintaining a stable and reliable connection exemplifies a thoughtful approach to overcoming common technical challenges in real-time web communication.

Technical Considerations:

  1. Unified Communication Protocol:

    • The proposal’s emphasis on a single protocol to support interactions across all types of wallets and dApps is commendable. This approach simplifies the development process, enabling developers to focus on creating innovative features rather than dealing with compatibility issues.
  2. Security and Privacy:

    • The use of end-to-end encryption for messages passing through the bridge ensures that user privacy is maintained. This is crucial in building trust in the TON ecosystem, especially given the sensitive nature of transactions and user data involved in blockchain applications.
  3. Decentralization and Flexibility:

    • Allowing wallets to host their own bridges and enabling dApps to operate without running a backend server aligns with the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology. This flexibility ensures that TON Connect can accommodate a wide range of use cases and deployment scenarios.

Professional Questions:

  1. Handling Non-Compliant or Legacy Systems:

    • How does TON Connect propose to integrate or transition existing wallets and dApps that may not initially comply with the new standard? Is there a recommended pathway for these entities to adopt TON Connect without disrupting their current operations?
  2. Scalability and Performance:

    • Considering the potential growth in the number of transactions and interactions within the TON ecosystem, how does TON Connect plan to ensure scalability and maintain performance? Are there mechanisms in place to handle high traffic volumes and prevent bottlenecks, especially concerning bridge servers?
  3. User Experience and Wallet Discovery:

    • The proposal mentions a centralized list for wallet discovery to enhance developer convenience and user experience. How will TON Connect manage this list to prevent centralization issues and ensure fair representation of all compliant wallets?
  4. Future RPC Methods and Extensibility:

    • What considerations are being made regarding the future addition of RPC methods to cover broader functionalities within TON Connect? How will the protocol ensure that new features can be integrated smoothly without causing fragmentation or compatibility issues?

In summary, TON Connect represents a significant step forward in creating a more integrated and user-friendly TON ecosystem. Its focus on standardization, security, and decentralization lays a solid foundation for future innovation and growth. The protocol’s success will depend on widespread adoption by wallet and dApp developers, as well as its ability to evolve in response to emerging needs and challenges within the blockchain space.