SuperWonton Application Form for Memelandia

SuperWonton Application Form for Memelandia

  1. Memecoin Project
  2. Memecoin Name: SuperWonton
  3. Token Contract Address: EQBgI-rl6SzhJp5Rtoqg0JlWsgPH4rnVkU6EAnD1yvOuzMPG
  4. Market Cap (at the time of application): 207K
  5. Daily Trading Volume : $743.6
  6. Number of Unique Token Holders: 1023
    6Has your token been fairly launched?
    1. Yes fairly launched on Blum Launch pad
  7. Please provide a link to your CoinGecko listing: N/A
  8. Are you applying for the Major League or Minor League? Minor League
  9. Briefly describe your memecoin’s strategy for growth and community engagement: As a CTO we are fully community driven and building or community through Telegram and X. We as a team engage with all our community memebers on all platforms and as a strong community we work together to grow $SW
  10. Do you have any partnerships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) or influencers?
    1. Yes, due to the fact that we are our own KOLs.