Runeston - free NFT collection for the TON community

Please include the proofs of this traction.
  • Please provide a smart contract address for tracking during The Open League Season 4.
    Jetton contract: EQCigh0HyXFpoCFnfKQyI8jWEK7KhbEsOpMFjo3gURJKOxnD
    Community interaction address:
    NFT Collection: EQCqLAG8pDkHSV6FAnoAcE40fGEOpKdRAlDoyF8hpOwReaBh
  • Your name: Leonid
  • Your Telegram handle: @runestonist
  • Any other links or details that you want to share
  • By submitting the form, I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League.

Runeston is the future.


Nice project.
:gem: The main utilitarian product of Runeston, this year it will be a


:heavy_check_mark: Many new developments and opportunities will be presented to the authors of the collections and participants!

:heavy_check_mark: The first Marketplace on TON, which is regulated by the RUNESTON community of owners and rewards them with passive income!

:exclamation:The Runeston project is a volunteer project and will continue its activities in this direction!

:100: Unprecedented support is planned for RUNESTON owners in the form of accrual of % of all commission income of the trading platform!

:top: For the project token, the main utility will be its use in purchases on the Marketplace and commissions!

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Yeah let’s give Runeston a chance, they’re trying to bring something unique to TON.

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This project deserves to be in the open league for the great work they have done. Let’s go!! Can’t wait for the next activity

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Congrats on being approved to join The Open League Season. We hope to see your good performance and fair competition!

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