RESISTANCE DOG (REDO) / Major League - Memecoin Mountain

Submission Form for Memecoin Mountain

  1. Your Role in the Competition:

    1. Memecoin Project
  2. Memecoin Name: Resistance Dog

  3. Token Contract Address: EQBZ_cafPyDr5KUTs0aNxh0ZTDhkpEZONmLJA2SNGlLm4Cko

  4. Market Cap (at the time of application): 28 millions

  5. Daily Trading Volume (for the last 7 days): $2,257,881

  6. Number of Unique Token Holders: 26238

  7. Has your token been fairly launched?

  8. Please provide a link to your CoinGecko listing:

  9. Are you applying for the Major League or Minor League? Major League

  10. Briefly describe your memecoin’s strategy for growth and community engagement: Resistance is inevitable

  11. Do you have any partnerships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) or influencers?
    We dont have official partnership with KOL, but most of the KOLs are already shilling REDO on daily basis such as Viktor and TON blockchain themself.

  12. Would you like to receive updates and announcements during the competition?

    1. Yes
  13. Provide your Telegram username for communication and coordination: Telegram: Contact @Pushingbags | Telegram: Contact @biasedgod | Telegram: Contact @crowshi | Telegram: Contact @Rain_OnChain

List of things that make memecoins successful :

  1. The community
  2. The community
  3. The community
    Join the RESISTANCE