[PocketFi] πŸŸ₯ Monthly news summary: second halving, roadmap, multi-wallets, new boost system & more

Second halving

On June 15, the second halving occurred, PocketFi reached 4 million users. Mining speed is reduced by half one more time.


On June 23, the project roadmap became available.

Expected updates by the end of this summer: launching discovery section with third party DeFi apps, migrating to non-custodial wallet.

New boost system

Today the PocketFi team announced new boost system. The old boosts are still there, but they added some new ones and a new airdrops tab.

:heavy_check_mark: Daily Check-ins

Starting today, you can claim $SWITCH tokens daily through the Daily Boost. Your $SWITCH token claim count increases each day until you reach a 10-day streak, at which point you can claim 55 tokens. Miss a day? No worries β€” you’ll start again from day one.

:new_moon_with_face: New basic tasks

To accelerate your base speed mining, complete the X (formerly Twitter) task (+0.5 switch/hour boost) and connect your TON Wallet (+1 switch/hour boost).

:gift: Airdrops

Although this tab is currently locked, stay tuned! Soon, you’ll find new tasks that allow you to receive different projects tokens.


Also PocketFi launch the support of zkSync L2 EVM network. From that moment you can swap and bridge your assets to and from zkSync chain. Boost for zkSync swaps is the same as for all EVM swaps β€” 2,5 switch/hour for 24 hours.


Create Up to 10 Indivudual Wallets

  • Each wallet has its own TON and EVM addresses.
  • Supported chains include TON, Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and ZK Sync.
  • Easily switch between wallets with a single click for various operations like depositing, withdrawing, bridging, and swapping tokens.

:gem: How to create a New Wallet:

  1. Send /start to PocketFi_bot.
  2. Select the β€œWallets” option.
  3. Choose β€œCreate Wallet”.

Your new wallet is ready! Copy your addresses and start using it.

:coffee: PocketFi Community

:pick: Keep Mining!

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