Play Wallet - Top up gaming platforms with cryptocurrency

Project’s Name

Play Wallet - Top up gaming platforms with cryptocurrency

Our app offers a seamless way for users to fund their gaming platforms, including popular ones like Steam, using cryptocurrency. What sets us apart from other cryptocurrency services is our direct approach. With us, users simply provide their gaming platform login, whether it’s for Steam or others, and make a payment. The funds are instantly credited to their account on the chosen gaming platform.

Furthermore, we pride ourselves on offering the lowest commissions in the market. We are committed to expanding our coverage to include as many regions and gaming platforms as possible, ensuring that gamers worldwide, whether they use Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, or others, can enjoy the benefits of our platform.

Project’s Website

Website -

Project’s Twitter

Project’s Telegram channel/group

RU News - Telegram: Contact @playwallet_news_ru
RU Chat - Telegram: Contact @playwallet_chat_ru
EN News - Telegram: Contact @playwallet_news
EN Chat - Telegram: Contact @playwallet_chat

Project’s Metrics

Attach the link to a Google Doc that describes your current traction, including

  1. UAW (unique active wallets) for the last month - 200
  2. MAU - 2000, DAU - 70
  3. N of tx for the last month - 4000
  4. Retention D1, D7, D14.
    Please include the proofs of this traction.

Your name

Kirill Makhnev

Your Telegram handle

Any other links or details that you want to share

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