OwnershipCoin $OC | Store Your Time as Crypto | The Open League Application

Project Name:

OwnershipCoin ($OC).

The World-First Mining Model using the Proof of Committed Time (PoCT) on the TON Blockchain.
Visit: https://ownershipcoin.gitbook.io/concept-paper-proof-of-committed-time-poct

Project Website:

Official Telegram Channel: @OwnershipCoin
Official Twitter (X) Page: https://twitter.com/ownershipcoin

Your name:

June Siang

Your Telegram handle @OwnershipCoinCEO

Describe the mechanism of providing liquidity on your platform:

To begin with injecting liquidity into this Project,
Step 1: The Ownership Coin platform introduces a unique approach for $OC MiningBot minting (as NFT), where every new user must acquire 1 $OC token from an existing miner. This system ensures a self-sustaining liquidity ecosystem, as the influx of new miners necessitates the purchase of $OC tokens from current participants. This model not only incentivizes early mining efforts but also fosters a continuously expanding liquidity pool, enhancing the ecosystem’s vibrancy and stability as the user base grows.

Step 2: The OC Project will roll out a world-wide Mining Speed (MS) Competition in 3 categories (3 Hour | 6 Hours | 12 Hours) as the world wide awareness campaign for the $OC and to grow the organise user base.

Step 3 We will then introduce the first use case of the $OC by launching :

The First-Ever Decentralised Land Project with Real-Stream of Income on TON Blockchain: https://land.fan

A pilot project with the vision to build Good Grade Virtual Real Estate to onboard billions of fans around the world onto TON Blockchain & Telegram. An effort to realise the mission to provide 500m Users with digital assets on TON Blockchain earlier than 2028.

Landing Page: https://land.fan

Presentation Deck : https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAVSbMPMM/i4G0o_TEokX0IhVXO4aDhA/view?utm_content=DAGAVSbMPMM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Your Plans [attach a document]:

Submit a document (of any format) that clearly outlines your plan to grow TVL at risk. Indicate the current metrics and the expected change. You can provide 3 scenarios with the estimates for a potential duration of the incentives of 1, 3 and 6 months. Please describe how you will design the program and which specific marketing means you will be using to attract liquidity providers.

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League.


good job, go fast, go far!

Hello OwnershipCoin team,

Thank you for taking the time to apply for The Open League Season #1.

After a thorough review, we must inform you that, unfortunately, your product’s traction does not meet our current eligibility criteria. You can find these criteria through this link.

Once the criteria are met from your side, please feel free to resubmit your application for the future seasons.

We look forward to seeing your application again in the future.

Thank you!