NotBitCoin | Build for community - Run by community

Project’s Name

(Build for community - Run by community)

Project’s Message

Currently, Bitcoin is no longer truly decentralized. It is largely held by investment funds, large
economic organizations, and wealthy individuals. They use Bitcoin as a trump card to
manipulate the entire cryptocurrency market and always find ways to take money from
inexperienced and small investors; even those with many years of experience cannot
escape this manipulation.
Why should the entire crypto market be dependent on and controlled by Bitcoin?
We, users, supporters, investors, crypto and blockchain developers, are tired of this and
wish for a new cryptocurrency platform to replace Bitcoin.
NotBitcoin is distributed for free to everyone, offering a new opportunity, a fresh breeze we
want to bring to everyone, especially small investors who do not have much money

Project’s Plan & Detail

Please check out our whitepaper

Project’s Website

Project’s Mining App

Telegram: Contact @notbitco_in_bot

Project’s Social

Telegram Channel : Telegram: Contact @notbitco_in
Telegram Chat: Telegram: Contact @notbitco_in_chat
X Channel :

Project’s Reward

Participants in the mining activity within the Notbitcoin Mining App will receive reward in the form of $NBIT tokens.

Project’s Token

Token symbol: NBIT
Token total supply : 210,000,000,000
Blockchain base: Ton

Users will mine 60% of the NotBitcoin supply, 30% will be allocated to a fund to support
development projects within the NotBitcoin ecosystem, and 10% will be distributed to the
NotBitcoin development team.

The NotBitcoin supply is allocated according to a
halving mechanism, with rewards halving every four years

Project’s Metrics

Snapshot time (2024/08/05 12:00 UTC)
Total User Base : 114,219
Daily Active Users : 60,000
$NBIT mined : 331,679,963
Communities :
:battery: notbitco_in_chat : 40,508
:globe_with_meridians: notbitco_in_english : 11,925 members
:indonesia: notbitco_in_indonesian: 638 members
:vietnam: notbitco_in_vietnamese: 1,065 members
:cn: notbitco_in_chinese : 181 members
:ru: notbitco_in_russia : 420 members
:tr: notbitco_in_turkish : 240 members
:nigeria: notbitco_in_nigeria : 381 members
:poland: notbitco_in_polish : 129 members
:kr: notbitco_in_korean : 44 members
:iran: notbitco_in_persian : 261 members

Project’s submitter

Name : Jonathan Edward
Telegram handle : Telegram: Contact @edward_notbitco_in

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League

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