MUMBA Open League application

Project Name - Mumba

Project Website -

Your name - Vadim

Your Telegram handle - Telegram: Contact @adexonn

Link to the token’s page on Re:doubt and/or DYOR -

  1. Mumba (MUMBA) Token Price -
  2. Re:doubt

Listings -

Official listing on
Official listing on xRocket

Describe the mechanism of providing liquidity on your platform

Rewards for liquidity providers

Total budget: 30000 MUMBA
Duration: 90 days (05.04 - 05.07)
Daily distribution: 333 MUMBA

Your Plans [attach a document]

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League.


We are really looking forward to mumba in the open league. I wish mumba luck to get there


I love mumba, it’s cool project. He is favourite for me and my friends​:rocket::heart:


Mumba it’s the best project
Love Mumba :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yes yes, I heard about the $MUMBA token, the best project in the TON system, I advise everyone to buy it, no one will regret it


i am really love $MUMBA, its my favorite token forever

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Love Mumba, it’s a cool project. It is the most favorite for me and my friends

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Mumba cool project. Big potential. Love)

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YEEEAS! You need to add Mumba to the open League. Great Community, great support, great token!

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Mumba is the best community I’ve ever met. All activity is aimed at developing the project, the CEO tries for others

$MUMBA is my favourite token! :rocket::new_moon:

I very love MUMBA is future

Mumba is a best project in this world guys, rlly

I love Mumba. I enjoy watching their highs and lows, but most importantly, it’s about engaging with the community, where each member contributes to the culture and joy of this unique world.

amazing! i love $mumba so much. always brings good vibes :heart::fire:

Love mumba😍The best project !!!

Mumba it’s the best projecт. We are really looking forward to mumba in the open league. I wish mumba luck to get there love mumba, it’s cool project. He is favourite for me and my friends ::heart Love Mumba :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A great project with a promising future. MUMBA is a project that cares deeply about its participants, offering intriguing developments and exciting games. Also I strongly believe its token will go to the moon :rocket:$MUMBA

mumba is the best project! I believe in him

I very love mumba and i believe in her