Introducing ton on-chain casino, CATSINO and $CATS

Hello, I am creating a service called “TonMillion.” This service is an open-source on-chain casino.

As mentioned, all service contracts for TonMillion are publicly available on GitHub. Currently, we have a Winner-Takes-All (WTA) game where multiple participants bet 1 TON each, and the winner takes the entire pot. We also have a card flip game that is played with $CATS points.

We are planning to launch a token called $CATS (CATSINO), and before that, you can accumulate points through various methods such as tap-to-earn and rewards from betting. If you’d like to check it out, please refer to the following link.

Telegram mini app) Telegram: Contact @ton_million_bot
github) tonmillion-dev · GitHub

If you want to contact me, please send me TG to @boohyunsik

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