Gramilla World - strategical MMO game

Project Name

Gramilla World

Project’s Website

Project’s Twitter

Project’s Telegram channel/group

Telegram: Contact @GramillaWorld_ru - RU
Telegram: Contact @GramillaWorld - EN

Project’s Metrics

number of transactions - 300 per day ±
uniq wallets - 2000

Attach the link to a Google Doc that describes your current traction, including

  1. UAW (unique active wallets) for the last month 1400
  2. MAU and DAU
  3. N of tx for the last month (since in-app shop is available only for 12 hours there is only like 300 transactions)
  4. Retention D1, D7, D14. unvailable at the moment
    Please include the proofs of this traction.
    UQAL5sISDo12JwG8tbr7O1hYTL90x17fszAMyGyxXLNDObDk - address of the game, all transactions are from in app purchases

Your name

Viacheslav Krasnov

Your Telegram handle

Any other links or details that you want to share

By submitting the form I confirm that the data I provided is correct and I fully understand that in case of the contrary, my project will be permanently eliminated from The Open League


Большой респект за энтузиазм и за проект с $GRAM!


Nice project, I’m playing with excitement


Удачи мужик! Поддержка:muscle::muscle::muscle:

1 Like

@Aleksandr_DeFi, very interesting game, strategies, battles, clans, the developers are great, they respond to player requests and make the game so that the player likes it.:wolf: