$GPU is a utility token of M2M (Mine-to-Earn platform) -

$GPU — utility token of M2M (Mine-to-Earn platform)

Please describe your project and token utility

Mine2Mine (M2M) is a Mine-to-Earn platform with its utility token ($GPU) and Telegram mini-app. It’s virtual mining that is environmentally friendly and replaces mining on physical graphics cards to achieve a fair distribution of tokens.

Our mission:
Make mining more environmentally friendly and create a platform for developers to distribute their tokens fairly (Launchpad).

Official M2M Website
M2M Mini-App in Telegram

$GPU Tokenomics

Total $GPU — 5,000,000,000 GPU = 100%

  • Mining contracts — 1,000,000,000 GPU = 20%
    · Big Givers Award: 100,000,000 coins (100,000 coins per block)
    · Medium Givers Award: 400,000,000 coins (10,000 coins per block)
    · Small Givers Award: 500,000,000 coins (1,000 coin per block)
  • In App — 3,500,000,000 GPU = 70%
  • Marketing&Team — 500,000,000 GPU = 10%


:fire:$GPU circulation in the M2M App

• 80% of GPU purchases go back to the mining pool
• 10% of GPU purchases go to the team and infrastructure
• 5% of GPU purchases are spent on providing a referral system
• 5% of GPU purchases are spent on contests and $GPU airdrops

$GPU Token metrics:
Snapshot at 2024/06/10 21:25 UTC+3

  • Total in 10 days: 1,100,000 successful transactions on the chain
  • Token Holders — 2 400 wallets
  • Liquidity — $108k

Please describe your project roadmap for the next 6-12 months

2024 Q2

  • :white_check_mark: $GPU minted
  • :white_check_mark: Launch of a GPU mining contract with 1 billion supplies
  • :white_check_mark: Token ownership is revoked
  • :white_check_mark: Listing on DEXs and verify token in dapps
  • :white_check_mark: Launch of the first version of the M2M Telegram Mini-App, where you can deposit $GPU and mine solo
  • Launch of squad mining

2024 Q3-4

  • Reward campaigns
  • Referral system update
  • Launchpad
  • TBA

Link to the token’s page on re:doubt and/or DYOR

GPU — M2M coin Rate - Charts, Price, Market Cap | DYOR

Link to the token’s page on Geckoterminal

Link to the token’s page on Coinmarketcap (if your token is not listed there, write n/a)


Link to the token’s page on Coingecko (if your token is not listed there, write n/a)


Project’s Telegram channel/group

Your name


Your Telegram handle (@…)


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