GMCoin - Extremely challenging check-in challenge game

Project’s Name: GMCoin

Project’s Website


Project’s Twitter


Project’s Telegram channel/group

Channel: @GMCoinChannel

Group: @GMCoinChat1

Project’s Metrics

  • UAW (unique active wallets) for this month: 3000+
  • MAU and DAU: 30000+ and 6000+
  • Retention D1, D7: 31.4%, 18.1%

Your Name


Your Telegram Handle


Any other links or details that you want to share:

GMCoin Concept Summary

GMCoin is inspired by the concept of earning rewards through self-discipline with the aim of promoting good health habits. Users can participate in self-discipline activities by sleeping, waking up, and eating on time, and they receive rewards for their consistency. If a user misses a check-in, they can revive using TON energy. GMCoin creates a health-focused, self-disciplined community where maintaining discipline leads to wealth.

Project Overview

Welcome to GMCoin

With the development of technology, people have more entertainment options in their daily lives. However, excessive entertainment can negatively affect habits. GMCoin is a Web3 application designed to improve this situation. Our vision is to help participants develop good habits—such as going to bed early and eating on time—while providing real rewards.

Challenge Structure

Each day, GMCoin holds a round of challenges that last for 8 days:

  • Day 1: Signup phase (no check-ins required)
  • Days 2-8: Challenge phase (5 check-ins per day)

Daily Check-ins

Each day’s challenge consists of 5 check-ins:

  • GM: From UTC 07:00 to 07:30
  • Breakfast: From UTC 08:30 to 09:00
  • Lunch: From UTC 12:00 to 12:30
  • Dinner: From UTC 18:00 to 18:30
  • GN: From UTC 21:00 to 21:30

Players participate in the challenge by spending $GMC. Each check-in adds an additional 3% of the entry fee to the prize pool, increasing the rewards for a successful challenge.

Participation and Rewards

  • After signing up, players enter a one-day signup phase.
  • During the challenge phase, players must complete five daily check-ins to succeed and move to the next day’s challenge.
  • After successfully completing a 7-day challenge, rewards are based on the $GMC consumed during signup. The more $GMC consumed, the greater the rewards.
  • Missing a check-in requires expending POWER to make up for it. Failure to complete a check-in results in losing the challenge and forfeiting the accumulated $GMC.

Points and Rankings

  • Players have 30 minutes to check-in and earn POINTS.
  • A maximum of 1,800 POINTS can be earned per check-in, with 1 POINT lost for each second of delay.
  • Players are ranked by total POINTS earned, with additional $GMC prizes for the top three players:
    • 1st place: 1% of the prize pool (up to 1,000,000 $GMC)
    • 2nd place: 0.5% of the prize pool (up to 500,000 $GMC)
    • 3rd place: 0.01% of the prize pool (up to 100,000 $GMC)

Target Audience

Our target audience is Telegram and TON users who wish to promote their projects or make a significant impact on the platform. By submitting the form, I confirm that the data provided is accurate, and I fully understand that any discrepancies will result in permanent elimination from The Open League.

Thank You!