Efficient Wallet Management in MyTonCtrl: A Guide to Importing Wallets

In the dynamic realm of The Open Network (TON), managing and interacting with wallet-like contracts is a critical aspect for users and developers. MyTonCtrl, a versatile tool within this ecosystem, supports a variety of wallet contracts, such as wallet-v1, wallet-v3, and lockup-wallet, among others. This guide delves into the streamlined process for importing wallets into MyTonCtrl using private keys and mnemonic phrases, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Importing Wallets: Overview

MyTonCtrl offers a user-friendly interface for engaging with different types of wallet contracts. Whether you’re dealing with a standard wallet-v1 or a more complex lockup-wallet, MyTonCtrl facilitates straightforward interactions.

Using a Private Key

For users with direct access to their wallet’s private key, importing a wallet into MyTonCtrl is straightforward. The process involves a simple console command:

iw <wallet-addr> <wallet-secret-key>

In this command, <wallet-secret-key> refers to your private key in base64 format, and <wallet-addr> is the address of your wallet. This method is direct and efficient, ideal for those who prefer using private keys for wallet management.

Using a Mnemonic Phrase

Mnemonic phrases, typically a sequence of 24 words, offer another avenue for importing wallets. This method involves several steps but is equally effective:

  1. Node.js Installation: Begin by installing Node.js on your system to run the necessary scripts.
  2. Cloning and Setting Up mnemonic2key: Clone the mnemonic2key repository and install its dependencies:
    git clone https://github.com/ton-blockchain/mnemonic2key.git
    cd mnemonic2key
    npm install
  3. Generating Keys: Execute the script with your mnemonic phrase and wallet address. This step produces wallet.pk and wallet.addr files:
    node index.js word1 word2 ... word24 [address]
  4. Renaming and Transferring Files: Rename the generated files to imported_wallet.pk and imported_wallet.addr. Then, move them to the ~/.local/share/mytoncore/wallets/ directory.
  5. Verifying Wallet Importation: Access the MyTonCtrl console and use the wl command to list the wallets. This step confirms the successful importation and displays the wallet’s balance.
  6. Sending Funds: With the wallet imported, you can initiate transactions using the mg command. For assistance, entering mg provides helpful documentation.

This method, though slightly more involved, is highly beneficial for those who prefer the mnemonic phrase for wallet recovery or setup.


MyTonCtrl stands as a robust tool for TON users, facilitating efficient wallet management through both private keys and mnemonic phrases. Whether you opt for the direct approach of using a private key or the mnemonic method for enhanced security, MyTonCtrl ensures your wallet contracts are easily imported and ready for use. As you navigate TON’s ecosystem, remember to replace placeholders with your specific details to ensure successful wallet management.