Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Validator in The Open Network with Mytonctrl on Ubuntu

The evolution of blockchain technology has introduced a myriad of opportunities for network participants. Among these, becoming a validator stands out as a pivotal role, contributing to the network’s security and consensus mechanisms. This paper presents a detailed walkthrough for aspiring validators within The Open Network (TON), specifically utilizing the mytonctrl tool (version 0.2) on the Ubuntu operating system. Mytonctrl facilitates the management of nodes and wallets, making it an indispensable tool for validators.

Installation Process

The journey to becoming a validator begins with the installation of mytonctrl. The process involves downloading and executing an installation script, prioritizing security by recommending operations under a non-root user account.

Steps for Installation:

  1. Script Download:


    This command fetches the installation script from the official repository.

  2. Execute Installation Script:

    sudo bash -m full

    Running the script with administrative privileges initiates a comprehensive setup.

Operability Verification

Post-installation, validators must ensure the system’s functionality through a series of checks, notably verifying the operational status of mytoncore and the local validator node.

Key Status Indicators:

  • Mytoncore Status: Indicated by a green status, signifying operational readiness.
  • Local Validator Status: Also denoted by a green status, confirming the validator’s active state.
  • Synchronization Metrics: Initial large numbers that decrease as synchronization advances, with values below 20 indicating full synchronization.

Wallet Management

An integral part of the validator setup is the management of wallets, including the creation of a default wallet during the installation process. Validators must fund this wallet to participate in the consensus process.

Wallet Activation:

  • Funding: Determining the minimum stake requirement from sources such as and transferring the necessary coins to the validator wallet.
  • Activation Commands: Utilizing commands like vas for transfer history and aw for activation.

Validator Participation

With a funded and activated wallet, the validator node is prepared for participation in TON’s consensus mechanism. Mytonctrl automates election entry, allowing validators to specify stake amounts and monitor their operational status through commands and logs.

Setting Stakes and Monitoring:

  • Stake Configuration: Adjusting the stake size with commands such as set stake 50000 to define the participation level in election rounds.
  • Log Inspection: Accessing logs via specified paths to review operational details and troubleshoot as necessary.

Comparative Overview

Feature Mytonctrl on Ubuntu Other Platforms
Installation Script-based, non-root recommended Varies, often more complex
Operability Testing Integrated status checks Manual verification common
Wallet Management Default wallet creation, easy activation Often requires additional steps
Validator Participation Automated election entry, stake customization Manual entry, less flexibility
Monitoring and Support Comprehensive logging, community support Varies by platform


Becoming a validator in The Open Network represents a significant commitment to the network’s integrity and efficiency. By following the steps outlined for mytonctrl on Ubuntu, participants can streamline their entry into this vital role. Through careful installation, operability testing, wallet management, and participation strategies, validators can contribute to a more secure and robust blockchain ecosystem, all while navigating the process with increased ease and support.

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