MEOW, Catizens 
Catizens, WELCOME!
We’ll use this forum to continuously update you on our milestones, developments, developments, and Catizens MUST-KNOW!"
Catizen Play Now! | X | Telegram
What is Catizen? We will > We are > We were 
Catizen OPEN Beta Version Officially Launched on March 19th, 2024.
Catizen was …
We were a gaming bot on Telegram (that was in March, 2024)
- 500k In-Game Players in 3 days after Game Launch → Meow
- Seed Round Announcement Made! → Meow
- 1 Million In-Game Players ; 78k on-chain Users by the first week → Meow
We were a GameFi MiniApp on TON Ecosystem (oh, that was in April, 2024)
Announcement of our TOKENOMIC.
2 Million In - Game Players; 422k DAU; 193k On-Chain Users; 2.3 Million On-Chain Transactions → Meow
Catizen in 「The Open League Season 1 」
We became one of the showcase in HONGKONG Web3.0 Carnival TON DAY, mentioned and affirmed by founding member of TON Foundation, CEO of TOP labs. → Meow
Catizen is on Durov & Andrew’s Speech in #TOKEN2049 → Meow
Catizen is …
We are Launchpool Platform
1st in game Launchpool on $wCATI lived on April 28th, 2024. Meow .
this Launchpool campaign ended by May 8th, 2024. We received incredible response from YOU
! Meow .
170k + Participants (24k + in Cats Pool ; 147k + in FishCoin Pool)
Over 1 Billion FishCoin were staked, equating to $3.9 million USD in in-game credits
Catizen reached 4 million In-Game-Players; 776k DAU; 284k On-Dhain Users; & 3.7million On-Chain Transactions → Meow
Catizen was mentioned in Pantera’s BLOG <Investing in TON Network>
Catizen was invitated by the TON Foundation to participate in the TON Innovator Blog Interview <TON Innovators: Catizen > Tweeted by TON Blockchain Officially
5 Million In-Game Users!!! → Meow
Catizen will / will be…
Nearly 20 upcoming mini-games in pipeline to integrate with Web3 features and launch via Catizen.
$Cati Token Listing & Airdrop (LFG🚀)
More deeply integrate features of Pinduoduo/TEMU into Catizen → incorporating various business streams such as task centers, short dramas, and e-commerce platforms
If you haven’t check our narratives, the interview of our CEO covered our overall core concepts, HERE YOU GO! )
More updates…
oh, Darling. remember i wrote this by May 2024, the most updated/detailed info is in the comment below
or Catizen Telegram Announcement , MEOWWW!