Awesome TON (The Open Network)

Awesome TON (The Open Network)

Ton Research Telegram Foundation Group Twitter Group

Welcome to Awesome TON - a carefully curated compendium of standout libraries, tools, services, protocols, and smart contracts associated with the TON ecosystem.

:classical_building: Official Resources

:mortar_board: Education

Basic Theory

YouTube Educational Videos

Community Tutorials

Smart Contract Examples


:speaking_head: Talks & Workshops

:technologist: Get coding

Dev Tools


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:card_index_dividers: Projects

Moved to ton-society/ecosystem-map.

:globe_with_meridians: Authentication

:control_knobs: Utilities

This section includes a variety of handy utilities that assist with different tasks within the TON ecosystem, from user-friendly address generation to instant notification services. These tools are meant to enhance your experience while interacting with The Open Network.

  • - Key Metrics of TON Ecosystem.
  • Tonutils Proxy - This tool provides a user-friendly implementation of the TON Proxy. It simplifies the tasks of managing and interacting with the TON network.
  • vaniton - A vanity address generator designed specifically for The Open Network’s standard wallets. This tool allows users to create unique, personalized addresses for their wallets.
  • custon - A user-friendly generator of custom TON wallet addresses. This utility is written in JavaScript, providing easy access and manipulation for developers.
  • TON Grafana - A powerful tool that provides blockchain metrics for TON. It offers visualizations and analytics for tracking and managing blockchain data.
  • TON Notify Bot - This Telegram bot provides instant notifications about coin transfers of the TON addresses. Stay informed about your transactions in real-time with this handy tool.
  • Blockchain Network Visualizer - Draft tool for visualizing TON blockchain network, written in Python. It provides a visual representation of the contracts and transfers between them. Contributions are welcome.
  • Anonymous Numbers Market Analytics - Telegram bot that disseminates statistical data on the Anonymous Telegram Numbers from Fragment market.

:man_artist: UX/UI

:pencil2: Contribute

Contributing to Awesome-TON

  1. Decide on the changes you want to make in the awesome-ton list.
  2. Press . on the awesome-ton page to open the online editor (VSCode).
  3. Make changes, describe them, and submit a commit as a Pull Request.
  4. Congratulations, you’re now a contributor to TON! :sunglasses:

Thank you very much!


Thanks for sharing!!!


This is amazing. Thanks


Ton project is awesome and also Wcoin breaks the records along with Ton coin hoping for best launch of Wcoin


This will help a lot
And reposting this

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