At least 3 points, but did not receive an airdrop

I will not take the conditions related to the nft hold, I will take only those that I am sure of.

Скриншот 25-04-2024 174522
Скриншот 25-04-2024 174527

I have 12 interactions in nft, bought them from three different collections, 2 of which are verified

The first nft was purchased at 5:19 PM cest

I got at least 3 points in the suggested categories, but I didn’t get anything.

In total, I hold 52nft and 6sbt, and here are the statistics of my Getgems account

Скриншот 25-04-2024 175127

My wallet - UQD3DPQqG69MHCuVL6KK5i-cOHAR5jQ0LInfWKVVwOAqpqB9


Who has a similar problem, write in the comments, it is interesting to read how many were eliminated


Hello! It’s not the first time that this problem happened for me in the airdrops in all of them I had more than the needed point but I didn’t get anything at all!


Same here. 5 pts but received nothing…

Only trade NFTs on 17 April and 24 April. The second date is out of range I knew.
Belows are made in 17 April:

Purchase 1 Lost Dogs + 4 TON DNS. Sell 1 TON DNS
Number of NFT collections traded: 2, :one:pt
Number of NFT deals performed: 6, :one:pt
Purchase percentage: 5/6=83.33%, :two:pts
Current value of NFT on the balance: purchased 3 NOTcoin before 11 April but never sold even listed them. 11x3x5=165U, :one:pt

At least 2 pts to 5 pts, but received nothing. lol
wallet: UQBsLM-lBRe-aOxOILHZbwB15EF6ZaMOreNyFz-nmHeiejFq

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Many people write that they fall under the drop conditions, but never received their airdrop. The question arises: does it mean that someone was not given a bonus unfairly? Perhaps we don’t fully understand the point conditions? Will there be a reassignment of points, and sending to those who never got the drop? Or will this issue not be resolved?

For example, I should have also had at least 4 points, but I didn’t get my airdrop either.
My Wallet: UQBJqeMzdzsFkNfqTyoCRRfICmWzcIFOOHEqy8gOCSCLCfcy

Thank you in advance for your reply.

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also at least 3 points but didn’t receive it

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hello, same issue here:

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between April 11 (2pm CEST) and April 23 (8am CEST) :

Number of NFT collections traded:

3 - 1 point

Number of NFT deals performed:

7 - 2 point

Total 3 - 40 TON - but I didn’t receive anything


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Вот и все. Они просто переобулись на ходу и больше никто ничего не получит))) Кидалово как и всегда. В тоне только так. У меня и с прошлым еирдропом похожая ситуация


Они написали что не все контракты из гетгемс подхожили по условиям, что это вообще значит? Мб они имели ввиду что одни коллекции подходят, другие нет

А что за контракты они выложили? уверен что и тут получится что кинули, надо на этом ловить


Так и есть , смотрим мой кошелек за 17 число 9 транзакций и они проходят по выложенным контрактам) Опять двойка…



Please, solve this situation with NFT drop

This is not a question of 40/70/90 TON, it is a question of openness and honesty with the community

A very small number of people participate in activities and hunt for drops. The NFT drop was distributed to only 2000 wallets, and it seems to me that only 500 - 1000 wallets did not receive it due to a problem with smart contracts.

We are a community of those “degens” who are most valuable to the ecosystem. Why should your / Getgems’ mistake push us out of the ecosystem?

It costs nothing for you to review the results and give out rewards for everyone, who has fit all requirements. And for us this is very important

So, my wallet :grinning:


I have at least 9 points)


It’s less about those few TONs. I’m more saddened by the way of communication, the lack of saying at least - sorry, we fucked up, awards given out, there’s no way to fix it.

And here is silence - quite a few people got nothing, despite meeting the requirements, and there are cases that someone got all 3 tiers of awards at the same time. On top of that, bragging about “successful airdrop” on social media.

0/10 tbh.


Они выложили hash code контрактов, что бы нам было труднее разобраться в ситуации, потому что многие не знают как это сделать. Если кто-нибудь знает как найти коллекции на GetGems по hash code контрактов, то выкладывайте их сюда. Я предлагаю не участвовать ни в каких событиях со стороны TON, пока не будет решена эта ошибка и будут принесены извинения.

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