🖼️ NFT airdrop eligibility and distribution rules - 25.04.2024

Hi there! I am one of oldest NFT honder. Check my wallet please.
airdrop must be mine )

Не пришло,все выполнил UQBbBr7rqDlj_TKVhSmnQqYmNqWXKXT4JeRyzdZTqFlgp9ok

I have not received any drops. Detailed calculation of points (UQAGsY1YDHhgBKb0ud-xuM_PYnmjYUaX5o4oNWDgdSr4Nzds):

  • Number of NFT collections traded between April 11 and April 23: >5 (Ton DNS, Magnetic Meridian, Notcoin Pre-Market, Getgems Domains, YNG Explrz, Lost Dogs) = 3 Points

  • Total NFT trading volume: $200-$699 (40 ton ~ $220) = 2 Points

  • Current number of NFT on the balance: 17-40 (30 NFT) = 1 Points

  • Number of NFT deals performed: >12 (24) = 3 Points

  • Purchase percentage: >99 = 3 Points

  • Current value of NFT on the balance: $500-$5000 = 2 Points

Total points = 14 Points

Hello, I am eligible for the airdrop, but I did not receive the airdrop. Please help me check my wallet address.

Добрый день! По торгам должен проходить
Но ничего не было(

UQASxt9nUp1bYvxy7kagm-fAbG54oUw-e7Zt-9sQ7ZyD-A5g check my wallet please, I have not received drop

This week I’ve traded a quiet few nft from different collections including ton diamonds, anonymous numbers and more but got nothing.

Same here. 5 pts but received nothing…

Only trade NFTs on 17 April and 24 April. The second date is out of range I knew.
Belows are made in 17 April:

Purchase 1 Lost Dogs + 4 TON DNS. Sell 1 TON DNS
Number of NFT collections traded: 2, :one:pt
Number of NFT deals performed: 6, :one:pt
Purchase percentage: 5/6=83.33%, :two:pts
Current value of NFT on the balance: purchased 3 NOTcoin before 11 April but never sold even listed them. 11x3x5=165U, :one:pt

At least 2 pts to 5 pts, but received nothing. lol
wallet: UQBsLM-lBRe-aOxOILHZbwB15EF6ZaMOreNyFz-nmHeiejFq

Hi admins

At first, I did not know the airdrop happened but on the 15th April, I made 10 NFT purchases on Getgems worth over 120 TON.

This is my address: UQBoBIQb3S2HxLDUemvwDbwSD-GUNdh7oxpow7vNyfq89WjW

I am currently holding more than 10 Notcoin Vouchers.

I check the criteria and believe that I have more than 10 points.

However, I have not received any rewards as stated. Please check and help me clarify

Thank you

Hi! During the period from April 11 to April 25, both sales and purchases of NFT were made on my wallet. And by volumes I also pass, judging by the table from your post.

Please check if your data is correct. And it would be great to get feedback. Thanks! :slight_smile:


I participated in this event during the event period and met the air investment qualifications. Please check this is my wallet:

Number of NFT collections traded 4 1
Total trading volume NFT814$ 3
The current number of NFTs on the balance sheet is 29 1
Number of completed NFT transactions 7 2
The current value of the NFT on the balance sheet is $500-$5000 2


Купил и продал номер пару днейназад 8 клуб, нфт от китов, есть нфт фламинго :face_with_spiral_eyes: посмотрите пожалуйста UQAKUt1gc6fWTBim3qwTz1TU75-TGBwlcAHJfTB0bR5-9Kld

Hello, please check my wallet, I did not receive an airdrop, although the conditions are met :pray:
Current number of NFT on the balance >40 (2)
Number of NFT deals performed >12 (3)
Current value of NFT on the balance ~>150$ (1)?

plplease I am eligible but did not receive the Airdrop, why?


Had more than 2 nft collections

More than 200$ bought

Why im not in the list tho?

I’ve been collecting NFTs for a very long time, even before the contest, often on the Getgems site. I fit many of the criteria and also made transactions within the time frame noted in the post. My collection considering the volume of sales is valued somewhere around 600$, I own 34 collections and 62 NFT tokens including SBT for various activities. It was painful to watch other people who recently started getting into this business get airdrops and my long time labor which is almost half a year leading just flew by… please review my wallet, and if you consider it suitable for the criteria to accrue the appropriate award, at least some motivation to further pursue the nft movement, because how much time did not spend with them transactions I did not receive any financial benefit, this drop will change this situation and will definitely light a fire in me in support of authors and newfangled nft collections, thank you.

The address on getgems.io is EQBr40q57AmsP9wa3LAsn1_4xrrcDzAhoxHSnL5Wur_jBOZ3

My wallet address: UQBr40q57AmsP9wa3LAsn1_4xrrcDzAhoxHSnL5Wur_jBLuy

Please check my address My address according to the level should be in the airdrop qualification I have a lot of NFT transactions in the specified time

Hello, Sorry for spamming, i didn’t get any rewards
I have around 7 points.
1)Number of NFT collections traded ( around 3 NFT collections) - 1 points
2)Total NFT trading volume (around 626$) - 2 points
3)Current number of NFT on the balance (12 - 15 NFTs) - 0
4)Number of NFT deals performed ( 12 deals) - 2 points
5)Purchase percentage (i dont understand what it means, but i was almoat only selling nfts in this periods), so i think it is - 0 points
Current value of NFT on the balance ( around 700$) - 2 points
My wallet:


So, have same problem, that other have - I didn’t get airdrop

  • my wallet, connected with Getgems.
  1. Number of NFT collections traded. I traded 5 different NFT collection, so - 2 points
  2. Trading volume - bit more that 200$ - 2 points
  3. Have equal 17 NFT on account - 1 point(check everything again in blochain obviosly))
  4. Have 5 NFT deals(not including mint) in this period of time - 1 point
  5. No sells, i guess it’s 3 points?
  6. Current value is in range of 150-499$ - 1 point
    So, i guess i have 2+2+1+1+3+1 - 10 points, so i have to be eligible to share third reward pool(70 TON). I’m waiting for your reply, thank you.