Hi doge, thank you for the very comprehensive guide! I’m very new to programming and mining!
I have followed your other guide
and downloaded the github project and run the start_tonhub.bat but seems like its always failing so i found this guide and try to follow along is this guide a total different thing? if not where can i find the files you mention
* **Compiling the Mining Utility:** This utility is part of the TON sources available on the GitHub repository. It’s located in `./crypto/pow-miner` relative to the build directory and can be compiled with `make pow-miner`.
> * **Obtaining ‘Seed’ and ‘Complexity’ Parameters:** Before running the `pow-miner`, you need to know the ‘seed’ and ‘complexity’ parameters of your chosen smart contract. Use the LiteClient console to run a method like `runmethod [Chosen Giver Smart Contract Address] get_pow_params` to obtain these values.
was not able to find this file. thank you in advance